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Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey

All commercial, industrial, and residential multi-family buildings in Miami-Dade County, and all cities within that have a sanitary sewer pump station/lift station must have a Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Survey certified. Third cycle deadline is 11/12/2022

The main purpose of the Sewer System Evaluation Survey (SSES) is to identify and correct excessive infiltration and inflow in the sanitary sewer collection system.

The Sewer System Evaluation Survey report and the Sanitary Sewer Collection System (SSCS) drawings must be signed, sealed and dated by a Professional Engineer (PE) licensed in the state of Florida.


As south Florida’s industry leader in SSES, The BetaJones Group a professional civil engineering firm identifies and corrects deficiencies in the collection system.

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The SSES reports subject to this requirements are due on or before each and every ten (10) year anniversary of November 12, 2002 [MDC code, Chapter 24, Section 24‐42.2(3)(a)].


The first cycle was due on 11/12/2002, the second cycle on 11/12/2012, the third cycle on or before 11/12/2022, and the fourth cycle on or before 11/12/2032.

The BetaJones Group, Inc., a Professional Civil Engineering Consulting Firm, specializes in performing complete site engineering studies for all types of developments as well a performing design, development services, and professional engineering construction oversight for the client.


We are sure you will be impressed with the level of technical excellence, practical experience and client responsiveness that The BetaJones Group brings to every aspect of our work.

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SSES Services


• Provide a description of the system

• Provide detailed evaluation survey of
the sanitary sewer system
• Visual observation of the sanitary
sewer collection system
• Visual inspection of pump station
• Visual inspection of the clean-outs
• Visual inspection of manholes
• Smoke tests
• Flow tests
• Digital video pipe inspection
• Remote transmitter using multidirectional locating technology to
identify complete underground sewer
• Digital photographic records at all key
testing points as per county
• System repairs
• Re-testing (smoke test)
• Updated Sanitary Sewer Collection
System (SSCS) drawing
• Manhole Condition Drawing
• Survey Conclusion / Final Status
• Report submittal and follow up with
agencies to confirm certification

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